Anchoring a successful future

Anchoring a successful future

NMIT Maritime tutors, students and support staff, alongside Sealord representatives, recently gathered to celebrate the latest Squax Squires award winner.
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From left: Curtis Greenwood, Jessie King and Travis Keats. All Mate Fishing Vessel Unlimited course students.

The award is in honour of Richard ‘Squax’ Squires, a well-loved and respected fisherman from Te Anau. He, alongside Roy Connor of Nelson, lost their lives on the notorious Greymouth River bar on March 7, 2000.  

Their fishing boat, Koromiko, was rolled by a wave, washed ashore and declared a total loss. The Squires family offered the vessel to NMIT’s School of Fisheries, but once experts deemed the boat beyond repair, it was sold and the proceeds put into a scholarship fund. 

The Squax Squires Memorial award is funded by the interest accrued and gifted to a student on the 23-week intensive Mate Fishing Vessel Unlimited(external link) course.  

It is a unique award as fellow classmates determine the recipient, with tutors having no input in the decision whatsoever. 

Jessie King received the 2024 award.  

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Jessie King is presented the award by tutor, Phil Pinniger.

His name will join the other award winners on a plaque held at NMIT - several of which Jessie recognises, having worked with them over the years. He also received an engraved Leatherman to take with him as he continues along his career path. 

“This is the first time I haven’t worn gumboots in quite a while,” he says.  

Living in Gisborne where his wife and children are based, Jessie currently works for Sealord in Nelson, enjoying the six-week on, six-week off schedule. 

“My wife and I actually brought over the [ship] Tokatu from Norway together about five years ago,” Jessie says. “There was about 15 of us on board.” 

Jessie thanked his fellow classmates for the nomination, and his tutors for having them all throughout the year. 

“I’ve definitely enjoyed being a part of the community here and appreciate the resources we were given,” he says. “I’ve enjoyed learning, and actually didn't realise a few things so it’s been great.” 

Jessie is looking forward to heading home and spending some time with his family before getting back into it again.  

Learn more about our Maritime courses and certificates(external link). 

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