Artistic showcase explores Matariki, celebrates family

Artistic showcase explores Matariki, celebrates family

Delta Brewerton is in her second year studying towards a Bachelor of Arts and Media.
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Delta Brewerton's project titled ‘The Threads That Connect Us’, is on display in at NMIT Nelson Campus, G Block foyer.

For her Level 6 Advanced Object Design Project course(external link), she and her classmates were asked to consider some aspects of Matariki.

“We all interpreted the brief differently, with a range of differences in our final works,” Delta says.  

She chose to explore the three principles of Matariki – remembering the past, celebrating the present and looking forward to the future. Her final work has a very personal approach to it.  

“Looking at my history,” Delta says, “my family is connected through textile art; a common interest that has been passed down to me.” 

She enlisted her family to help, including her grandmother, nana and mother, who all knitted squares to go into a larger panel alongside her own.  

I collected various materials, such as my late grandfather's fishing rope and other rope and yarn from family. My father then made the wooden needles that hold it all up,” she says. 

Each thread and stitch are symbolic of connections to the past, present and each other, whilst the loose threads symbolise connections lost along the way. The needles remind us to look to the future as there are endless possibilities and threads yet to be woven.  

Delta created the piece with family and the wider community in mind, “for we are all connected through shared experiences and our humanity." 

She found inspiration in the verse from Colossians that wove the project in with her faith: 

I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God's mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. (Colossians. 2:2 NLT) 

Delta is grateful to her family for their contributions to this project and their ongoing support of her studies.  

She is enjoying her time at NMIT, relishing the challenges it brings.  

“Like everything, it comes with challenges, but I am grateful to the tutors and staff who have provided support when needed,” she says. 

“For this project, I was able to discuss ideas with my tutor, Stefan [Hanspach], who provided practical solutions and different perspectives. Having tutors that have industry experience is great, as they can guide and share their experiences with students.” 

The Level 6 Showcase is currently on and continues until 21 July. It is held at NMIT Nelson Campus, in the G Block ground foyer and on Level 2.  

For more information about our arts programmes, visit the NMIT website(external link) 

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