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A major overhaul of tertiary qualifications has been taking place since 2008. The review process, named TRoQ (Tertiary Review of Qualifications), has affected all national and local qualifications Level 1 to 6 across all New Zealand tertiary institutes.
1. There were too many disparate qualifications.
2. The requirements of each qualification were set in isolation from learners and industry.
Until recently, it was up to NMIT to brainstorm how our qualifications and programmes should look. We would consult locally and then put things in place, tweaking programmes as the years went on.
For learners, it meant you received a programme developed in Nelson. A programme unique to NMIT. Sounds great on the surface, but the lack of collaboration across institutes resulted in programme qualifications that weren't as relevant to industry nor learners.
For employers, it meant you had to be familiar with NMIT plus all other institutes in New Zealand to understand the specific outcomes and achievements of an individual programme.
Before TRoQ there were thousands of qualifications available in New Zealand. Some of the programme pathways and outcomes were ambiguous. This left both learners and industry confused.
Say you were a prospective learner wanting to study Business. You’d scan business programme options available at three or four different institutions. They all had different names, different study lengths, and different pathways. How did you know which was right for you? A lot of guesswork, a few recommendations, and intuition. Again...confusing.
The review team took a group of programmes out to different industries and institutes and said "These are your qualifications, how do you want them to be?" They connected broadly across industry, and spoke to a lot of employers. Also other training providers besides institutes. The outcome was greater national alignment and significant industry alignment.
All Level 1 to 6 qualifications will now be the same across all institutions in New Zealand.
The changes only recently received approval. This means all programmes are current and designed to suit current and future marketplaces.
What does a graduate look like when they’ve got their qualification? Because of TRoQ we know. We have well-considered graduate profiles for each qualification.
We have been able to design courses that fit together from start to graduation. Programmes that make sense and provide a clear pathway.
We started introducing new programme upgrades in 2016. This is continuing throughout 2017 and in 2018 we’ll have some more coming through. By the end of 2018 all NMIT programmes will have received attention.
Our Level 7, 8, and 9 Postgraduate Diplomas are also changing. Not by force, by choice. We see it as an opportunity to make sure there is greater alignment and benefit for our learners.
It’s an exciting time for our learners and industry. It is also a great time to be a graduate in our fast changing world.